Monday, July 20, 2009

Stressed yet?

A new thought on the idea of "Stress". It's not rocket science. Most people, including myself, think that to relieve stress you should go on a vacation, free your mind off of work, watch a movie every week, and so on, and so forth.

We cannot just go to our "little place" every time we're stressed. In my case, if I would task myself to go to Hong Kong each time I feel stressed then 1, I would be out of a job and 2, I would be broke-ass poor.

My sister, Chezka, said something last night over dinner that really made sense; She quoted it off a doctor she and Jay have been visiting. What we do not realize is it's not the work that causes the stress but the decision to make that stress-stimulant affect you.

A trick to make a stress-stimulant not affect you is PREPARATION. Never wait for the last minute.

In one of the Management training courses I've attended, it was discussed that our everyday tasks and duties can be categorized in 4 quadrants:
Q1: Important and Immediate
Q2: Important yet Not Immediate
Q3: Not Important yet Immediate
Q4: Not Important and Not Immediate

These 4 quadrants and how you use them when categorizing your daily tasks can and will define you as a person. In a perfect world, we would want to have all of our tasks categorized under Quadrant 2 yet we know that it is never always the case.

Think about it, if we keep on procrastinating, then we will be stuck at Quadrant 1 forever.

Try using this table when doing your daily tasks and see if this makes any form of improvement.

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