He was selling his Palm Treo 680 (www.palm.com/treo680). The Treo's on the auction sites were for around P13,000 to P21,000 and you would be doubtful if they were pre-prods or what not. (technical term... no time to explain) He was selling it for P18,000... Hmmmmmm... He needed the money and wanted a slimmer phone. I knew the guy way back from Kodak days so I thought, "what the hecK?" If he'd say yes to MY terms, I'm buying it.
Calculating the money I had, and will have, not to mention that I'll be going to Hong Kong this Christmas (YES!!!), I was so low on dough.
A few days back, my mom said that she was going to buy the tickets for the whole family as her Christmas gift to us. That saves me P14,000 on the spot.
In my wallet, I had P9,000 easy money which I'll be putting in the bank half as CC payment and the other half as savings.
So I recalculated:
P3,000 for 3 paydays, then the lumpsum, P9,000 from my Christmas bonus which I can give on the Sykes Christmas party. Hmmmmm... not bad... not bad at all.
So that's what I told him. Then I realized that I will have some money back from a benefit scheme I got from work. YESSS!! Extra money; it's like the money was prepared for me for this phone.
But then, I realized that it'll be 2 pay periods to the Christmas bonus instead of 3. Which means my lumpsum would become P12,000... Wait a f'in second. Mali mali mali.
So I decided to go for this offer instead.
P3,000 for two pay periods and P10,000 as lumpsum. Totalling to P16,000. Tumahimik si Kim bigla. Deym!! Aayaw ito. Well, good thing din kasi medyo bigla din yung gastos ko kung kumagat si mokong.
Then he asked kung kayang P10,000 initial d/p... I told him P6,000 lang ang maximum na maibibigay ko sa kanya that day and I was even willing to meet him at SITC since I was at TriNoma.
Isip muna daw... he'll text me the following morning since he was going to Better Living (near where I live) on Monday.
The next morning, he said P17,000. hmmmmm...
Papayag ako kung... here goes:
P6,000 d/p...
P4,000 sa a-30...
P7,000 lumpsum...
O loko! Pumayag si kumag. We met, he gave me the phone with the box and I gave him P6,000. The phone came with a crystal case and he said that he still has the leather case at home which he will give to me next time.
Fine... Fine... hindi pa nagsi-sink in na may phone NA AKO!! Until the night I came home. I checked the contents of the box. I needed to plug the charger at a power outlet and the USB cable to my PC.
Upon inspection, I saw the package included a CAR CHARGER!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!! A car charger. The cheapest for this phone should go for around P1,000 at least.
So then I recalculated what I had.
If... the crystal case and leather case were around P500 each, and the car charger would cost around P1,000, then th phone with the basic accessories would cose around... P15,000... OH SNAP!!! I MADE A GOOD DEAL!!!!
NO scratches on the phone and on the LCD... holy shit!!!

What's YOUR phone?? hehe
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